It seems strange to me every time I have fresh resolve, decide on a direction, make a choice, celebrate some small step, that something else happens, comes along or slaps me upside the head to make a change of some sort again.
So, as per my last post(s), I am finally able to see the light at the end of the tunnel project-wise and I am feeling good about that. So, suddenly, as though the message travelled at light speed around the Universe, or at least around my immediate circle, everybody wants a piece of me. Someone needs some writing done, someone else just HAS to see me. A friend wants to hit that new movie with me, and movies are good. After all, that’s what I’m writing.
Then I have a sore throat. I need to take it easy. I nap. I want to shop for Christmas gifts. Maybe I should get my picture taken with Santa this year. I want to help my friend-with-the-walker do some shopping. If I shop online, I’ll have less to mail, and mail I must this year as I’m not going to travel for Christmas – just catch a ferry maybe. So this whole holiday business is happening a lot earlier than usual.
But it’ll be okay, ‘cuz I just got this new temporary assignment that only requires a four-day week, right? No sooner do I sit in my new chair than I get a call for an interview. If successful, it will make it a LOT sooner that I move out of Victoria. I’ve not been offered this job yet, but I go directly into a tizzy anyway.
It’s crazy-making, I tell you! Do I do it to myself, or what? I try to remind myself that there is a grand plan that has nothing to do with me, or where I am physically, emotionally, psychically or physically at the moment. It’s all careening forward to create something for the higher good. Yes it is, yes it is! And if you think luck has anything to do with it, please wish me some, wouldya?
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