I believe I mentioned that I had gone into a chat room with my fellow Screenwriting U alumni to ask about structure to find out where I had gone wrong, and the answer was "in the first act".
So, I printed it all out yesterday - ran myself out of ink, but no matter, it's all in print. I began to read. And those first scenes I have not read for a very long time. They're not bad. In fact, I'm quite happy with the front end.
It was so obvious! By page ten I knew exactly what I'd done. And I know I can fix it. I also know I can fix it without changing the rest of the story at all. It's an opportunity to add another layer; to make it better, and I say "Hallelujah" to that!
After such a long, inexplicable sojourn (other than the fear factor, of course), it was right there waiting for me. And now, AND NOW I can see the light at the end of the title. I am writing the final pages, and I know what to do up front, so I can actually see it all coming together in the next couple of weeks. Can I hear an Amen!
This is cause for celebration, people!
