Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Life


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Back Online at Last!

It has been awhile - I feel behind in everything, so it's time to get that rectified. I am tackling life - as we all do - one task at a time, one day at a time, one assignment at a time. Who said, "Life is what happens when you're following a dream," or some such thing.

Things to deal with - day job deadlines, day job blues, day job effort required beyond belief.

Body - killer throat bugs - desire to sleep, and sleep - age itself -

Mind - interest in project, high - number of assignments done, low (see above)
- attention required to a friend's accident - concern taking up mind-space
- attention required for children - for friend moving to new house -

Home - always left 'til last, but order brings joy, so will do that first

Then I'll get on with assignments. One month until the Hollywood Meetings begin!

And the O-project? E-mail to update, inform of activity and request for time.

So now you're caught up. This read can't have been much fun, and I will improve, as I do, with age. Please grant me the gift of patience. Cheers to all!

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