Some assignments go easier than others. Some parts of screenwriting just flow; others lump-bump along until the poor writer screams with frustration and comes to the conclusion it's impossible to write a whole movie anyway.
As you may guess from my infrequent posts of late, I fall into the latter category. Not to leave you out of my struggle, I thought I'd share some of the techniques I've tried.
I have tried starting at the beginning, I have tried starting at the end. Then I was struck with this wonderful idea - just make a wee note about every single thing that happens in the story, and put all the notes together on a story board of sorts. Along the way, I've happened across a few more twists for this twisty tale. So the photo shows where I am currently - I haven't quite got everything up there, but...
You will see there is a great empty patch in the middle, so I am still creating things, building relationships, infusing characters with more levels for their interaction, making them interact with each other, or more, different characters, building entertainment value and elevating quality. Well, I'm not quite caught up on all of that, but the weekend is here and I will be. As it says in my profile, I'm determined. Stay tuned for progress on the story board...
PS: BTW, this isn't a real storyboard - this is more like a get-those-scenes-up-on-the-wall board. And I do realize that I'm not explaining what a real storyboard is. I'm just not up to it right now. If you're really curious, there's always Google.
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