Here I am in beautiful downtown Hollywood. You can see my logo...I love my logo... in the foreground, and I guess you'll have to take my word for the fact that the, no THE Hollywood sign is over my left shoulder waaaay in the background. This is taken from the four-story plaza that is now my neighbourhood. They've got everything from COACH (designer handbags) to Crepes. I had a tropical fruit crepe. The phenomenal thing about that is they brought me the whole can of whipping cream, and left it on the table! I haven't experienced that before.
Here's another thing I'd not experienced before today. Sniffed by a drug dog! I don't know if someone questionable was on board, or whether they'd heard about BC bud, but two officers and their dog - not a coochie-coo sweet kind of dog, believe me. I think maybe a cross between an Alsasion (or however you spell it) and a German Shepherd.
"Single file please. Keep to your right." If anyone had been packing, they must have rightfully shit themselves. I saw the trio come up the outside steps to the plane. They RAN up those steps. I didn't stay to see if they got anyone. The dog let me by with my pecan cookies, so I just kept on going!
Phone call with my group tomorrow morning. I'm glad to be here, even though most of my clothes don't work. I packed for spring instead of summer. It's hot and humid. I have kind of a hippie dress with me, so I guess I'll be wearing that ALL the time. It's now nearing midnight, and I still have windows wide open. Goodbye cool, wet weather!
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