Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Life


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Holy Smokes - It's the end of June!

Oh my dear readers! My sincere apologies. Much has happened since I returned home, not the least of which is some script progress. A good deal of planning has gone on, and my beat sheet has been beaten around by others, and I've not begun the true writing of scenes.

A beat sheet is a step by step, scene by scene accounting of what will happen through the story. It's a great idea to get things lined up this way, and while the script is in this form, you can usually spot the things that are "out of place", or find the weakest points. After while it began to feel like analysis paralysis, so I began to write scenes.

Of course, writing the dialogue and "hearing from" your characters will change the beat sheet again, and I'm carrying on as though I'm in my right mind. I have two weeks before the timeline I gave myself, so I'm quite happy to say that it's going well. By "going well" I mean I'm not spending hours looking at a blank screen. I feel like writing, and it's flowing well enough. The only other issue is time.

Thank goodness for Canada Day! Enjoy!

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