Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Life


Sunday, June 6, 2010

One Day Off, kinda...

This is actually my June 5th blog. I didn't get it up last night because the wireless at the hotel was done. Such is life in this modern world...

No Producer's Conference for me after all, and I find myself not really all that disappointed. I had a fun day of shopping, napping, & working. When the rest of the gang got back, we all went out for dinner and Hal bought mine. It was fun, and so nice to be with 5 five others from the group. I look forward to Sunday. I've just got a few more gifts to pick up, and I want to get some pics of the architecture. The building pics will be used in an article for Life as a Human. I've got a page there, too.

I'm still very excited about the script request and that's the focus of the work until it's ready. Here's a pic of instructor Hal and me as we walked back from dinner.

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