Screenwriting, Filmmaking, Life


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Isn't there something about the Rubber hitting the Road?

This is it, folks! We're caught up now. You're with me in the present. It's time for action. Steadfast, organized action. Every day something must be done. Today I worked on my re-write homework on the bus, at lunch, and after work, but still didn't get it posted. I also wrote one e-mail to support the Omni pitch(which we will hereafter refer to as the O-project), and sent a new, brief pitch line to my Hollywood Meetings "twin" sister.

Truth be told, I did indulge in two telephone visits, and was sucked into Idol gives back a little bit. Just so you know, I've experienced three days of hellish deadline pressure at work. But hey, I'm still in a good mood, and I got SOMETHING done today that serves the goal.

Last e-mail check revealed some prep work that needs doing prior to a Hollywood meetings teleconference this Sunday. Tra-la, tra-la. Here's to tomorrow evening being more productive, and then the weekend cometh.

Say, what do you think of my mini-pitch line?

Peter wants to prove a psychologist guilty...(pause)
while the real murderer "helps" his teenage son.

More soon...

Steadfast, organized action...
Every day...

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